We pride ourselves on being an important part of the Deer Park Golf Club experience. To deliver this experience we have a team of two P.G.A Professional's who understand that the customer needs are paramount to creating the perfect day at the golf course. Whether you are a member, guest or visitor we aim to provide every product and service that you need to increase you enjoyment at the club.
Iain has a long history within the golf industry having attended Webber International University in Florida on a golf scholarship before embarking upon a career that has included several golf sales and PGA professional roles at prestigious clubs including The Berkshire in London and Dalmahoy Hotel, Golf and Country Club. Prior to joining Deer Park, he served as PGA Professional at Greenburn Golf Club in West Lothian.
Iain Has brought with him a strong teaching background, having been given a distinction level in his PGA exams.
Please see Iains Webpage below